Summary of Nutritional Balancing Program

I thought it would be helpful, especially as we approach the holiday season, to provide you with a brief summary of the various aspects of the Nutritional Balancing program. Each aspect of the program  forms a system that, when done correctly in combination, has a powerful healing effect on most physical, as well as mental and emotional conditions. According to Dr. Wilson, most people  achieve a level of health far above what many believe is possible. Below please find some of his suggestions.



Most of us are confused as to what to eat. Each day the media pounds of with contradictory research as to what are the healthiest foods for optimal health. Below, you will find a basic healthful diet, according to the principles of nutritional balancing science.  If you elect to follow a complete nutritional balancing program based on a properly performed and correctly interpreted hair mineral analysis, this diet will be adjusted somewhat.




1. Eat large amounts of cooked vegetables at least three times daily, and NOT raw vegetables.  You will obtain many more minerals from cooked vegetables than from raw ones, cooked is cleaner, and the losses due to proper cooking are minimal.  Do not eat many salads for this reason.

2. With your cooked vegetables, eat ONE protein OR ONE starch at a meal. In other words, do not mix meat and eggs at one meal, as these are both proteins.  Also, do not mix rice and corn tortillas, for example, at the same meal, as these are both starches.  The reason for simple meals is to ease digestion.  It is fine to have 4 or even 5 meals daily.  However, do not just graze or snack all day.  Have sit-down, relaxed meals.

For example, you may have a cooked vegetable or two with a chicken thigh or two.  Then, a few hours later, have a cooked vegetable or two with a starch such as brown rice, corn tortillas or quinoa.  These are simple food combinations and much easier to digest.  You may also have just a cooked vegetable meal, for example, or just some lamb chops.  Eating only one food per meal is even easier to digest, and usually best, although some people find it boring.  Babies and young children usually prefer to eat this way, as do many so-called primitive people, as it works very well.  it is especially recommended if your digestion is weak.

Here are more details:




Fill two-thirds of your plate or more! with cooked vegetables at least three every day.  Seventy to eighty percent of your diet should be cooked vegetables, not raw vegetables.  Eat cooked vegetables three times daily to get enough.

Vegetables provide many nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fiber.  They also increase the alkalinity of the body more than any other food group.  This is important today because the balance of the pH is a factor in healing.  Do not try to alkalinize the body with a water machine, however. These are not safe, in my experience, no matter what the sales people contend.  They usually use tap water and may contain toxic metals.  The best vegetables are:


1. Root vegetables. These include carrots, onion, garlic, ginger, rutabaga, turnips and celery root, and to a lesser degree beets, yams and sweet potatoes.


2. The cabbage (or crucifers or brassica species).  Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, collard greens, mustard seed, mustard greens, bok choy, Chinese cabbage or Napa cabbage.  It also includes turnips and rutabaga.   The cruciferous vegetables are wonderful foods and some should be eaten daily.  They all must be cooked about 30 minutes to completely remove a substance that otherwise can slow the thyroid a little.


3. Greens such as spinach, carrot greens, kale, mustard greens, beet greens, carrot greens, Swiss chard and others are also very good.  Celery is also okay when cooked.


4. Peas and green beans, both fresh and frozen, are also very good.  A bag of frozen peas cooks in five minutes and makes an excellent, tasty and filling snack or even an entire meal.

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