Toxic Metals and Your Health



The sad truth today is that  mankind is exposed to the highest levels of toxic metals in recorded history. For example, lead, mercury, arsenic, aluminum, copper, nickel, tin, antimony, bromine, bismuth and vanadium are present in levels up to several thousand times higher than in primitive man.  Most everyone has excessive amounts of some or all of the toxic metals.As an introduction to this subject area, this article focuses on the extent of toxic metal problems – sources of toxic metals, symptoms and how to remove them safely, quickly and deeply.

Why are there so many toxic metals today?

This is due to their industrial use, the unrestricted burning of coal, natural gas and petroleum, and incineration of waste materials worldwide. Toxic metals are now everywhere and affect everyone on planet earth. They have become a major cause of illness, aging and even genetic defects.“Most organic substances are degradable by natural processes.  However, no metal is degradable…they are here to stay for a long time”.

How do we remove these metals from our bodies

Various methods are used to remove these metals from the body. Options include  chelators, antagonists, sulfur amino acids and other methods. One must very delicately bring the body into dynamic equilibrium by using hair analysis,


Minerals are the building blocks of our bodies and they are involved in most bodily functions.  They are the “sparkplugs” of the body, necessary for body structure, fluid balance, protein structures and to produce hormones. They act as co-factors, catalysts or inhibitors of all enzymes in the body.

How do heavy metals affect our heath?

Because toxic metals replace nutrient minerals in enzyme binding sites, the metals inhibit, overstimulate or otherwise alter thousands of enzymes. For example, the enzymes affected by these metals, may only operate at 5% of its normal activity. Toxic metals may deposit in different bodily sites, causing irritation, and supporting development of fungus, and viruses. In addition, these metals may affect the tissues, joints, bones and muscles, debilitating the body and, consequently,contribute to health conditions

Now remember, minerals are essential to your health and bodily functions. Nutritonal deficiences or toxic substances impair the energy pathway where minerals play a vital role in energy production.These heavy metals will replace the minerals in our body so that the body can keep functioning. What most people do not realize is that their fatigue and other symptoms are due to the presence of incorrect “replacement parts” in their biological engine compartments.  Depending on where toxic metals accumulate, the resulting effects may be given names such as hypothyroidism, diabetes or cancer.


Americans have lost their dietary sense today. Consuming large amounts of chemically laden foods, fast foods, boxed foods and high content sugary foods, the traditional diet today lacks many important  minerals and essential vitamins. Due to the low mineral content of foods,the danger of toxic metals is greatly increased. These critical minerals compete with toxic metals for absorption in the body.

THIS IS KEY.When food is low in essential minerals, the body absorbs and makes use of more toxic metals. It is essential to choose foods high in vitamins and minerals to ensure a healthy body.


What are the causes for the low mineral content of almost all agricultural products:

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