Our family is blessed to have met Joy Feldman. She introduced us to hair tissue analysis and is a wholistic healer who has a passion and the patience to change lives. My two sons, Sebastian (3.5 years) and Severance (1.5 years) were constantly getting sick and I don't mean with just the common cold. As a mom of two and working outside of the home I began to feel tired, but ignored the symptom and just thought I needed to rest more. As a breastfeeding mom, I transferred mononucleosis from myself to my 5 month old and other son as well. The recovery was slow, but we got through it. In 2009, the boys and I ended up getting the norovirus and the swine flu and that was the last straw! We agreed to make a family commitment and begin Joy's program. The boys have been on it for about 5 months. I have increased their protein intake; made diet changes and with the use of fish oil I am able to give the boy's all of their supplements. There is a huge shift in their health as well as their behavior. They have been illness free for the past 4 months! In addition, they are able to calm themselves and rarely get frustrated; aren't always on full speed ahead; their under eyes are no longer a purplish black color and have regained their rosy complexion. We have our health and our lives back thanks to Joy!

C.F. Exeter, RI

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